Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Bryant Street Baptist is a praying Church. Prayer is our way of communicating our thankfulness to and reliance on God. We believe that God acts on our prayers and that prayer is the primary means by which He gets things done. Each week we try to set aside intentional times of prayer on campus, and encourage our members to pray on a regular basis at home. Below you will find some of the ways you can get involved in praying for our church, our city, and the Kingdom of God to grow.
How Can We Pray For You?

Praying Elders
The pastors and elders of Bryant Street Baptist Church are committed to regularly praying for the members the Lord has entrusted to them to shepherd. If you have a specific prayer need you would like to go only to the elders you can submit it below. If you have a less private matter you can submit your request to the prayer chain.
Corporate Prayer
We gather regularly to pray as a church. You can gather with us to pray on Sunday mornings at 8:30am in the library. We also gather on Wednesday evenings after Bible study from 7:00-7:30pm in the foyer. Finally you can join us the every quarter as we gather as a church to celebrate and pray together.

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a group of trusted individuals who love to pray for the needs of the congregation and the community. When you submit a prayer to the prayer chain you will have over 40 people interceding on your behalf.
If you have a prayer request or an urgent prayer need, we encourage you to call the church office or fill out the form below to have your prayer added to the prayer chain. No prayer is too big or too small!
If you would like to pray along with us you can be added to the prayer chain below
If you have a prayer request or an urgent prayer need, we encourage you to call the church office or fill out the form below to have your prayer added to the prayer chain. No prayer is too big or too small!
If you would like to pray along with us you can be added to the prayer chain below